Illustration 3


All of these copyright artworks are available as 8.5 x 11 inch, limited edition prints on archival art paper. Prints are 50. CD each, plus shipping. Some originals are also available for purchase, where indicated.


Mardi Gras, Feathertale Review


Sons of the Siren, Feathertale Review


Eves, Atwood Book Review, The Walrus                                   original for sale


Feed Me, The Georgia Straight (cover), 1990s


I’m Starving (feature illustration), The Georgia Straight


Bedtime Story                                                                 original for sale


Theseus, The Globe and Mail, 2006                    original for sale


Venice Shoes, The Foot Book


Keef, The Globe and Mail                                original for sale


Why Aren’t We Shocked?    Rethinking Schools, 2006


‘I Will Choose’ (Eve)    The Progressive, 1992     NOW FREE TO USE (conditions apply)


Cartoon Swear,  Rethinking Schools Magazine, 2008                 original for sale


Do Tell,  Rethinking Schools Magazine                                        original for sale

The original ‘Do Tell’ is now for sale. Find out more details here.


Maya, Rethinking Schools Magazine                                                    original for sale


Oyster Stew, Consider the Oyster by MK Fisher (Japanese version)


Dead Bird Dance, unpublished


Nosferatu, unpublished, 1990s                  sold


Copyright images. Please ask before using, or it’s stealing. A credit and link to this site at the very least. Thank you.