‘I Will Choose’ Empowered Eve free to use for non-profit

strong woman holding her own rib up like horns
Take your rib and …

This iconic image was created for The Progressive Magazine’s calendar in 1992 (beautifully designed each year by Patrick JB Flynn). It illustrated this quote by Marge Piercy:

I will choose what enters me, what becomes
flesh of my flesh. Without choice, no politics,
no ethics lives. I am not your cornfield,
not your uranium mine, not your calf
for fattening, not your cow for milking.

You may not use me as your factory.
Priests and legislators do not hold
shares in my womb or my mind.

This is my body. If I give it to you
I want it back. My life

is a non-negotiable demand.

Original t-shirts for The Progressive, 1990s

I’m now making this image FREE to use for non-profit, pro-choice organizations to fundraise for supporting women being denied their basic, human rights. Personal use is also fine. Adding/tweaking colour is fine.
The opening image is a high res (300 dpi) jpg. Click on it, pause the slide show, and lift the image onto your desktop.

The image may not be used freely for personal or corporate profit, advertising, or other commercial exploits.

Examples of permissible use (copyright free) :

– pro-choice t-shirts, prints, posters, stickers, etc to fundraise
– public mural
– tattoo

– small run of T-shirts/product for you and your friends
– a nice print for yourself or a gift
– signs for pro-choice rallies

Any for-profit, commercial use that does not donate the profits to such organizations will still require my permission and a negotiated contract/usage fee, as is usual for re-use of my work i.e. if you want to use it on an album or book cover and keep the coinage, please contact me to discuss terms.

*Note that the original quote is not included, so please clear with Marge Piercy and/or her publisher for any use other than personal. (Alternatively, one could just put something simple like CHOICE or I WILL CHOOSE, or go wordless).*


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